Sunday, October 16, 2005

ns....ns.......national slavery, being call and run around like a dog, thats the idea. People say police was slack, but my trg was not easy at all, it needs even more endurance then my dragonboat training i feel.

partly was because of my several months of inactiveness. But the training is really a bit out of the world, try doing 300+ push ups, 200+ jumping jacks 100+ crunches, lots of leg race, lots of squats, lots of tutt jumps, lots of jogging on the spot, lots of other kind legs exercise and.....i heard duck walk was banned.


But i guess its good in another way, gonna make my leg tougher and 2.4 would be easier and shed off weight and pull up would be easier.

But i dun like life being scream around, ordered around, even during my rest time like 8+9.

but from what i saw lifes gonna be easier after the basic police training.

I wanna try for oct, but if i dun get into it i hope i can get some easy vocation......

bk in later @______@ life sucks.

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