Sunday, August 31, 2008

Went to the Nike Run today, it was flooded with people la! So many people join! And I realise my knee a bit cmi still. Kind of weird, I feel ok when I stride or sprint, but when I slow jog the pain kicks in.... er so how am I suppose to stride all the way for 10km? And for marathon how?!

I came with this conclusion, I am too heavy for my knee, damn if you have seen me in shorts, you'll realise how skinny my leg is. Its like my 76kg, 6kg is my leg and 70 kg is my body. So theres a few things I need to do before marathon. 1) Lose weight (Duh!), 2)Strengthen my knee and other leg muscles (Calf etc). 3) Strengten my stamina. I think for the start, I wanna carry backpack of 5-10 kg and go for long walks. Maybe I'll walk to school! haha.

So I jogged for first 3km or so, den I walk, stride/sprint throughout the 10km. Completed it in 1hr 15 mins, sucky timing, but for someone who is suffering from knee injury, 1 month + never run. I guess its still ok bah haha.

See the amount of people hanging around after the run

Cause kerk, shirong, robbin couldn't make it. So I joined Canni and Melissa's Gang to run. They are all very nice people!

Me and my finisher wrist band, I'm still trying to figure out how the heck to wear this thing. Oh well

Saturday, August 30, 2008

I wanna KTV layyyyyyyyyy, random rants. But Sept does not seem like a good time for ktv......~

I've been singing at home a LOT lately. Think my neighbours gonna call the police soon.


Damn projects, 3 more and 1 test to go.

RMIT-SIM Bash @ Zouk!

'The Very White Bling Bling Party'
Date: 6th Sept 2008, Sat
Venue: Zouk
Time: 7.30 - 1030pm
Dress Code: White + bling blings
Tix price: ONLY $20!!
Program includes
-Dance and singing performance
-Pageant (Got Swim Suit Section!)
-Attractive LuckyDraw prizes to be won!!
(Any interested party can leave mi a msg or juz tag mi or email me or if you know me you can call me or sms me.)
Too bored and play this web application that test how old is your brain.

I was like !@%!@%!#% so I don't only looked like 26, I think like 26 too, when I'm 23. God damn it haha.

For those interested to try out go to

Its all in jap but the procedures are like this

1. click 'start'

2. Wait for 3, 2, 1 count down

3. Memorize the number's position on the screen, then click each circle
from the smallest number to the biggest number.

4. At the end of game, computer will tell you how old your brain.

Good luck !!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Its has been a crazy 2 days working on WIL project, but finally ITS handed in! First time I work on project till almost 5am in the morning, because last minute realised theres quite a chunk there isnt it.

So called the early sleepers (Eric, John) to come online to help out. Eric said he thought I wanted to call him online to play (Dota), at 1+am? hello? I wanna sleep too man haha.

But nevertheless, we put in a lot of effort into this WIL project and hope things will turn out well. Now to prep myself for investment test and LM OT and investment projects... lol... but I hope the projects aint as tedious as this WIL. This is really bullshit, god damn it, haha.

I know wrong box, we got too excited and wanted to take a photo of it haha but no worries, we deposited into the correct box which is the BLACK BOX!

This is how thick our project is, with our crazy appendixes of issues explainations, interview findings etc. Man i swear i hate referencing after this project.

School work aside, I realised I'm back to square 1 again. Got to know this nice girl for a while but I don't think shes the one. Maybe I'm afraid of falling for girls anymore. I dunnoe. When will my lady come? hahhhh

Back to mugging and projects I guess~
don't you simply love projects? hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I am stressed with WIL, Chow Down and investment project. I don't really feel so much stress from OT and LM project as I felt that they are manageable.

haiz............... stress

Project project project, stress

Monday, August 25, 2008

A great sunday spent at Edward and Gabriel's place. Started off with me waking up early. Went to Clarke Quay wanted to collect my Nike Race Kit. Upon reaching there I was like, crap, knn, what the hell. The queue stretched from the Cannary till liang court there and beyond. I walked down the stretch and saw Kengwei and Ben, they apparently have been there since 10am and I'm there at 12pm. With such a crazy queue and having events department gathering, I deicide to return on Monday (Today) to collect it. In the end Kengwei say he queued for 3hrs to get his kit.

Guess what, I went there today (Monday) morning @ 930am. THERE WAS NO ONE AT ALL! hahahaha. So I manage to claim my kit immediately upon arrival haha. And the race kit is damn zai la, just look at what I got, Dry-fit tee, Nike 1 litre water Bottle, Free 3 days fitness first gym sessions, wrist bands, ugly tote bag, 20% off ipod accessories, a can of 100 plus and last but not least, a chance to say 'I've run on the day when the world has stopped to run', all for only 25 dollars and a priceless experience.

The T-Shirt Front

The T-Shirt Back

All the stuffs

Wanted to BBQ at Edward's place, and with some water games or tennis. But the rain spoilt everything, in the end, played xbox 360 @ Edward's place den after that, we moved to Gab's place for the BBQ. Gabs place is pretty big, just like george's. But its at Kovan! Another side of the planet again! hah.

And Shirong drove us to the west side with his family's big Mercedes, like wah what the shit man, big ass mercedes haha. On the way back, we drop by the errr 'railway mall' i think, for Ba Chor Mee supper and talk cock for quite a while. After which Robbin and I grabbed a Cab back from Gombak.

Sometimes I really wish I have a car, not mine but a family car that i can utilise at times, I know I should be contented with what I have. But being surrounded by so many people with successful parents, it somehow makes me feel insignificant. My parents are of humble background, but I believed my Mum can be very sucessful if she was brought up with a decent formal education and upbrining, but she had a hardlife when she was young, working to support the family at 10 odd + age. I can't say so for my dad, I think hes really lucky to married my mum. He has a blessed life with parents and a wife and a child that is constantly on the lookout for him.

Oh well at least I have a roof over my head, food (occasionally good food) to fill my stomach and a lot of things that other unfortunate kids don't, and a chance to have an undergraduate study.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Haiz, I think I will not do well for my LM test, out of 5 questions I've only got 2 questions that I think I can get 4/5 marks at least. And the follower question, I'll be lucky if I can get 2.5/5 marks. The problem is that there are 200+300 points to remember for 1 damn test. And I just seem to miss pts here and there, and wat the hell la followership. Out of the 9999 slides, its only 3 slides and you come out a question on followership. sigh. Part of me I feel is that I never really put enough effort into my revision for LM test. Lets hope my Project and Exam can pull me up. I hope I won't see any CR on my results @ end year, or else my GPA will be greatly affected.

So doing a calculation on my guts feeling.
best possible mark is 3.5 + 3.5 + 5 + 2.5 + 5 = 19.5 (78%, Dist)
Worst possible mark is 3 + 3 + 4 + 1.5 + 4 = 15.5 = 15.5 (62% Credit)

So statiscally wise, I have a high chance to get 17.5 (70%, Dist)
Lets hope I get that.

My hope to get GPA 4.0 for this semester is just 1 step further away. I know some may think I'm asking a bit too much, but I don't see whats wrong with setting some standards for myself, and I hope to do better than last sem and I've studied. Ok, maybe not hard enough, time to buy the mugger spirit.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

SIM-RMIT BASH - Promo Video

Monday, August 18, 2008

And not to forget Lynn's Bday yesterday @ Sengkang (Outerspace)

The Card we got Lynn

Card and the "Diamond" Earring we got Lynn lol

The 3 of us who shared the gift, of course keith too, hes was late!

The Balloons Matt and Shaun tagged, not too bad ah

The Birthday girl in action, going to chop the cake
Some belated Pics I've taken with my wussy 2mp camera phone during Lianjin, Caiwei, Kang meet up.

We went Shabushabu at vivo, I forgot to take the pics of the beef, pork and seafood delux -_-. Its pretty nice, but it cost us $40 bucks each and we are not full AT ALL!

After Shabushabu, we went Tapas Bar @ St James for a drink and some snack and some talk cock session (Lian Jin on the left, Caiwei on the right)

(Kang on the left and me on the right, I know very dark, lousy camera phone!)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Extract from 古巨基's 劲歌金曲

别再做情人 做只貓做只狗 不做情人 (Don't be a lover anymore, be a cat, be a dog, don't be a lover)
做只宠物 至少可爱迷人 (As a pet, at least people will adore!)

woof woof!
i'll smile and walk the other way.................... =)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

A very very very busy and hectic week! After this week think i wanna stay at home for a while haha...

Mon - Fri (Morn + Noon) = Mugging Org Theory and do project in school!
Tues = Ktv with council people
Wed = Movienation
Thurs = Meetup with Lianjin (Before he flys to UK), Caiwei (Who just returned from UK for Hols) and Wenkang (Mugging in NUS).
Friday = Events Meeting

So many things to do, so little time, and I still need to get things done for my WIL group project, damn!

And I'm about to have my Organisation Theory test in 3 hrs 11 mins time. Lets hope I can rem my concepts well and can crap my way around it. Hopefully to secure at least DI. Ti Gong Poh Bi! haha

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Your view on yourself:
You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.


Try the quiz @
Boring weekend, been at home playing game, reading bits here and there for OT. Suddenly feel like life is so empty.

Wait I have tons of projects and test, not so empty after all........haha

sian lay..........

Thursday, August 07, 2008

its been hell of a week, with WIL individual handed in, WIL grp 2 interview done, initiation, orientation group outing! Fwah....... so many stuffs, busy busy, and gonna catch up with cai wei and lianjin for dinner tomorrow. Hopefully I will fix myself down to study some OT during the weekend before next week, cause I'm gonna have

Tues - KTV
Wed - Movienation
Fri - Events Meeting

and LM test the following week and not to forget we need to get our LM OT project started, life is so fulfilling.

Friday, August 01, 2008

I love investment lectures, I really do. But Dawn thought I was being sacarstic. hahahaha.

I have this lecturer name Mr. Mok, hes an investment guru with money earned and lost in the stock markets yet having a very very very very very good sense of humour.

He impart the concepts etc to us in a very humourous light way which is extremely helpful in learning.

I think he might be the best lecturer I'll ever get in SIM. More investment lectures please! hahaha