Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hanging out with the guys yesterday has been great cause we can virtually talk about anything under the sky with the friendship forged close to 12 years.

Went to gym with air in the noon and met patrick sherwin for dinner at tiong bahru market area, we had bak kut teh.

And Sherwin has been very kind thinking that I am terribly upset (which I'm not la) and trying to console me about the harsh reality of life.

And I've been going on about vietnam wives.

Well a vietnam wife can cook can clean can take care of parents and kids and still virgin.

If you find a singapore wife (well not all) cant cook cant clean cant take care of parents and kids and some (well some said most) are not virigins.

So do the comparison man haha.

And Garhein is really my brudder man, he came into coffee bean and first thing he said is get a vietnam wife. haha

Looking forward to the genting trip in Dec.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Sometimes I wish i could find a field and lie down and daze aimlessly at the clear blue sky... =)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

sleepness night has got me bad, was thinking of tons and tons of stuffs and was thinking of ranting about my emoness in the blog while doing the nyp modeling work just now... no its not me getting emo about a particular person, its about me in general and its much more den simple issues of getting dejected ands stuffs.

but i guess theres no point for me to rant or to emo, maybe i just want some people to talk to, but who? I guess most people had heard my rantings enough and i feel bad enough to disturb any of them especially when they have their own issues too.

hai sian, maybe just back to my self denial in warhammer online.

If only i could find the meaning to life.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

ORVR was grand last night at tier 3, with around 100+ chaos and 50+ order fighting to gain their stand in the age of reckoning!

Can't wait to play knight of the burning sun on 1st Dec!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

To be with you - Mr Big

Hold on little girl
Show me what he's done to you
Stand up little girl
A broken heart can't be that bad
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you

I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you

Build up your confidence
So you can be on top for once
Wake up who cares about
Little boys that talk too much
I seen it all go down
Your game of love was all rained out
So come on baby, come on over
Let me be the one to hold you

I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you

Why be alone when we can be together baby
You can make my life worthwhile
And I can make you start to smile

When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you

I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you

I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you

Just to be the next to be with you
Warhammer is getting interesting today with lots of ORVR action in tandem with the heavy metal live event which will eventually introduce knights of the burning sun for order and blackguard for chaos. ORVR means player versus player in the world map. Instead of scenarios (battleground for WOW), people just pvp directly outside of your town or their town.

Here are some screenies~

ran for 2 hrs today from 415 to 615 just got back from the run, with bits of walking here and there but generally ran for most of the time. Hopefully lost some weight hahaha....sian~

Monday, November 24, 2008

Another week of holidays had gone by~ Genting trip set on 21st to 23rd December! Going with some x-over guys, pohguan, garhein, kai, air and songting. Maybe I'll have my luck @ the casino as the saying goes, '情场失意,赌场得意', haha no no I'm not out of love, there isnt any 1 that I really like now, probably just attracted.

Lets just say I find myself don't have the chance to probably know her better and vice versa. Also I don't find her very keen in knowing me more and that simply depicts it, i think very immpossible for anything to happen.

I find myself thinking of giving up very easily nowadays, so much so it doesnt matter anymore, well I still have my friends and games and studies to focus on~ so whats there to dwell on?

But of course I still envy those guys with the 3 things mentioned in the below posts that manage to attract girls. Life is fair? think again.

Catch up with eric john and rod for buffet today, wanted to go to the nonya chilli padi cafe for the nonya buffet @ $8.80, guess what, the place was reserved till DECEMBER! woah, thats show how great channel 8 programmes, are, everyone just flood to the cafe once they watch the buffet introducing programme. Arggg, I want to try the food........... in the end settled for sakae sushi buffet, well you can grab 1 red plate now and I must say I am damn full now! Running day tmr! Need to slim down!

My playlist sometimes reflects my feelings somehow, not sure if anyone notices hah.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Party party party,

Party with council peeps were quite fun, especially where everyone is so damn high. I won't comment much but overall I guess everyone had fun.

AGM for council just got over with some overhaul to the exco commitees with keith and edward graduating. But the new comm will do a good job I believe.

Just completed final fantasy crisis core, the ending was very sad with zack dead giving cloud angeal's buster sword. It was known from ff7 original series that zack was dead, but how he died etc was very sad.

And Aerith, to write zack 89 letters over 4 yrs without seeing him, i mean like wow, shit man. Makes me wanna cry, heh.

Overall its a good game, makes me feel like playing ff7 original and watching advent of children over again.

Still playing warhammeronline, happy with my Singapore guild with some helpful people to talk cock and play with.

Came across this super funny guy with a funny guild name, i was killing the enemy and den he pop along i laughed till I was rolling on the floor literally.

See screenshot to understand why.

I mean like wtf la, wth will call himself lj and add a last name sibeilong. Hahahahaha, so damn crude, I bet must be some teenage ah beng playing the game.

From that guild I also came across another person nick nienie pok. I wonder what the hell they are doing, and they have tarnished the good name of warhammer, /shrugs.

*PS if you didn't know whats "What Blue Bird", it means smlj. hah

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A very very hectic week with council chalet, work, runs etc.

Council chalet was alright,it was more relaxing this time round with plenty of our own free time to do things we wannna do, and we gossipped a lot a LOT.


Made me realised, I guess its a ness for a guy to have 1)$$, 2)Car, 3)looks. Without any of these (you need to have at least 1) you can forget about dating anyone or find your "true love" (ironic isnt it when your true love comes when you have $$, car or looks lol).

Don't try to rebuke me, its a proven fact, yes I believe there are girls that see beyond such things but thats like one in a million and yes. I think that its important to look pleasent for someone to fall in love with you, thus I'm not saying that most girls are bitches or whatever. I'm just trying to say that reality is cruel, I myself also cant find myself falling in love with a very horrible looking girl.

I guess thats explains why someone is so cold even though I nv really did anything, simply maybe because I aint up to her standard and I dunnoe what to do. I'm so tired. I shall just play all the games I have and carry on jogging.

Oh well, as the 9pm show says, as long as you don't give up, miracles will happen. So when will miracle happen to me? /lol

Monday, November 10, 2008

It has been a KTV weekend last sat and sun.

Sat began with watching quantum of solace with the old x-over gang with additional member gao han, afterwhich we head down to boat quay's chamber hutz a ktv pub for drinks and card games and open lounge ktv and talking cock all night long catching up for we havent seen each other for ages.

Wanted to wake up early on Sunday Morning for a run but that drinking session changed my plans.

Sunday began with going to temple with my parents and we tried the pontian wanton mee, thought very famous but the mee was er. ok? dissapointed...

After that head down to amk kbox to find keith shaun and fel for ktv. Apparently lynn and derek became pilot and flew their plane to afgahnistan, so ya.

And I'm gonna head down to NYP for my temp assignment in 1 hrs time. I'm gonna stand there for 6 hrs for the draw and I'm procrastinating now, great. haha

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Ran 10km odd yesterday, and felt quite shag already, need to build up fast for 40km, gonna try 15km odd tmr. I hope I can complete the marathon and slim down!

On a side note, I think I'm losing confidence in myself, I just keep getting the feeling i'll fail in asking anyone out. Not like theres a lot of people I wanna ask out but ya... I don't think I can get anyone on a date with me. Is it because I'm too fat and ugly? =\ Maybe time to get a vietnam wife since theres a promotion! LOL....

Hopefully the marathon can turn me slimer n a tad better looking hahaha.

Meltz Cafe buffet after the marathon anyone? =)

And My com is finally fixed! Installed Warhammer online and the game is quite a blast for casuals so far the game mechanics had been great with tons of lore in the game. Enjoying the PVP with my shadow warrior with the bow shooting stuffs.

This hols will be running, gaming, gyming, working @ nyp, hanging out with long time no contact friends, reading up for Strategic Management, secure a date (think quite immpossible?), ktving, eating, so many things to do hah.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Holidays lo!!!!! Finally, time to rest and train for stan chart and work some part time job now and then.

For the exams, I guess I will prolly overall get HD for OT, DI for investment and LM and not sure for wil, a credit/di i guess.

/pray it'll turn out this way or better.

Today after exams, brought my graphics card to sim lim square to try to check if its chui... ok its confirmed that the card is really chui already. Got a new card, excited went home to remedy my pc... to my horror, the pc did not boot inside windows, says NTDLR file missing or whatever... so I lan lan tried to reinstall windows....... and the desktop auto shuts down less then 5 minutes, oh like WTF? So I thought it was a powersupply problem, so I took out my old working powersupply and try... same thing happens so the conclusion is that the motherboard had gone to heaven. Gonna bring them down to sim lim square to check which is faulty and grab a new one which is estimated to cost around $500.... damn sian.....fukkkkk.

And I got warhammer online which I cant play now cause I doubt my labtop supports it! DAMN! =/