Monday, September 03, 2007

Its been 3 weeks after starting my temp work at NUS, I've worked 15 days for Aug and I calculated and I've made quite a bit.... awaiting for 18th for pay day~. I'll spend a little but I'll not splurge as the bulk of the money will be saved for my allowance next year.

Sometimes I feel tired and just wish that I can resign now and play games and do stuffs that I like until my school starts in January 08 (3 more months). But I've told myself that I need to start to be more independent as my family is not rich. I'm even considering giving tuition when my terms start, provided I can find any students lol.

Although My parents do have a little bit of savings but all the money will go to their retirement account. They are doing me a favor so that I will not be financially tied down when I start working as they will be able to feed themselves for quite sometime still.

This makes me feel the need to work even more to save up some money!

Also, the workload/pace/culture at NUS is pretty okay at the moment. I come and go on time except for 1 and 2 days... and I manage to post a blog post at work! =X

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