Monday, November 24, 2008

Another week of holidays had gone by~ Genting trip set on 21st to 23rd December! Going with some x-over guys, pohguan, garhein, kai, air and songting. Maybe I'll have my luck @ the casino as the saying goes, '情场失意,赌场得意', haha no no I'm not out of love, there isnt any 1 that I really like now, probably just attracted.

Lets just say I find myself don't have the chance to probably know her better and vice versa. Also I don't find her very keen in knowing me more and that simply depicts it, i think very immpossible for anything to happen.

I find myself thinking of giving up very easily nowadays, so much so it doesnt matter anymore, well I still have my friends and games and studies to focus on~ so whats there to dwell on?

But of course I still envy those guys with the 3 things mentioned in the below posts that manage to attract girls. Life is fair? think again.

Catch up with eric john and rod for buffet today, wanted to go to the nonya chilli padi cafe for the nonya buffet @ $8.80, guess what, the place was reserved till DECEMBER! woah, thats show how great channel 8 programmes, are, everyone just flood to the cafe once they watch the buffet introducing programme. Arggg, I want to try the food........... in the end settled for sakae sushi buffet, well you can grab 1 red plate now and I must say I am damn full now! Running day tmr! Need to slim down!

My playlist sometimes reflects my feelings somehow, not sure if anyone notices hah.

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