Monday, August 25, 2008

A great sunday spent at Edward and Gabriel's place. Started off with me waking up early. Went to Clarke Quay wanted to collect my Nike Race Kit. Upon reaching there I was like, crap, knn, what the hell. The queue stretched from the Cannary till liang court there and beyond. I walked down the stretch and saw Kengwei and Ben, they apparently have been there since 10am and I'm there at 12pm. With such a crazy queue and having events department gathering, I deicide to return on Monday (Today) to collect it. In the end Kengwei say he queued for 3hrs to get his kit.

Guess what, I went there today (Monday) morning @ 930am. THERE WAS NO ONE AT ALL! hahahaha. So I manage to claim my kit immediately upon arrival haha. And the race kit is damn zai la, just look at what I got, Dry-fit tee, Nike 1 litre water Bottle, Free 3 days fitness first gym sessions, wrist bands, ugly tote bag, 20% off ipod accessories, a can of 100 plus and last but not least, a chance to say 'I've run on the day when the world has stopped to run', all for only 25 dollars and a priceless experience.

The T-Shirt Front

The T-Shirt Back

All the stuffs

Wanted to BBQ at Edward's place, and with some water games or tennis. But the rain spoilt everything, in the end, played xbox 360 @ Edward's place den after that, we moved to Gab's place for the BBQ. Gabs place is pretty big, just like george's. But its at Kovan! Another side of the planet again! hah.

And Shirong drove us to the west side with his family's big Mercedes, like wah what the shit man, big ass mercedes haha. On the way back, we drop by the errr 'railway mall' i think, for Ba Chor Mee supper and talk cock for quite a while. After which Robbin and I grabbed a Cab back from Gombak.

Sometimes I really wish I have a car, not mine but a family car that i can utilise at times, I know I should be contented with what I have. But being surrounded by so many people with successful parents, it somehow makes me feel insignificant. My parents are of humble background, but I believed my Mum can be very sucessful if she was brought up with a decent formal education and upbrining, but she had a hardlife when she was young, working to support the family at 10 odd + age. I can't say so for my dad, I think hes really lucky to married my mum. He has a blessed life with parents and a wife and a child that is constantly on the lookout for him.

Oh well at least I have a roof over my head, food (occasionally good food) to fill my stomach and a lot of things that other unfortunate kids don't, and a chance to have an undergraduate study.

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