Saturday, August 16, 2008

A very very very busy and hectic week! After this week think i wanna stay at home for a while haha...

Mon - Fri (Morn + Noon) = Mugging Org Theory and do project in school!
Tues = Ktv with council people
Wed = Movienation
Thurs = Meetup with Lianjin (Before he flys to UK), Caiwei (Who just returned from UK for Hols) and Wenkang (Mugging in NUS).
Friday = Events Meeting

So many things to do, so little time, and I still need to get things done for my WIL group project, damn!

And I'm about to have my Organisation Theory test in 3 hrs 11 mins time. Lets hope I can rem my concepts well and can crap my way around it. Hopefully to secure at least DI. Ti Gong Poh Bi! haha

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