Sunday, September 21, 2008

My DESKTOP DIED! After my analysis, its a very high probability that its the VGA card thats spoilt, 2nd highest possibility is that the Motherboard is spoilt, and lastly, the PSU is spoilt.

And this morning when I woke up, tired to on my laptop, to my horror, it crashed... I couldnt boot into windows. So I virtually spent the whole morning and some time in the afternoon to recover the system and install the updates, which is really biatch.

Now I'm running on Windows Vista (I was using Windows XP before). It looks damn cool but my sense its gonna lag my laptop quite a bit. I think the desktop goes down cause it doesnt wants me to play any games as exam is nearing, and yes my desktop is my gaming system.

Laptop is for convenience to do project and prior to this I was using this laptop for my financial advisory job.

Arggg, guess I'll try to remedy my desktop sometime after the exams, with some luck I might have a job and I can stick with my laptop for simple games/blogging/msn chatting/project work.

Afterall I guess it aint too bad to be on with a laptop, at least I have the freedom to move it anywhere I want, I can sit on the floor and use it etc. It feels more at home with a laptop hah

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